A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 28

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 28
Tornados. We tho not in the proper Season for them, felt one which came on, just as we were going to hoist the Jolly Boat in, but the sudden Gust prevented our doing it, & we tow’d the Boat with two Men in her, when going surprisingly swift thro’ a great Sea … The Admiral kept very much to the Eastward, subjecting us thereby to Calm, and Rain, retarding our Passage and hazarding the Lives of our Men. But we will suppose he did to the best of his Knowledge. . On the 17th of May being then in the Latitude of 8 North. We lost one of our Quarter Masters after an Illness of a few Days
19th A Ship under danish Colours saluted the Admiral. & join’d the Fleet.
21st We saw another sail to the Eastward. The weather squally with Rain, the Inconvenience of which we particularly felt, being a deep, lumber’d Ship. The Soldiers in a bad Situation, being sadly affected by a Fever which prevail’d throughout the Ship. The Heat and Moisture of the Air made us apprehensive of its becoming malignant. The Patient was siez’d with a Pain in his Head and Back Nausea, full and quick Pulse, burning Heat on the Skin [end page 28]