A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 29

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 29
and soon became delirious. The Fever generally arriv’d to its full Height in six or seven Days, leaving the Patient in a languid, and almost lifeless situation.
24th A sergeant and private of the Regulars departed this Life, the former in the state before mention’d & the latter almost suddenly. The ship was kept as clean as possible, very often smok’d, & the Beams wash’d with Vinegar.
25th The Weather continued very rough. We left the Body of the Fleet at about the Distance of 2 Leagues. . A Soldier died.
26th Another Soldier died, who had been long ill of bilious Complaints. The Weather still unsettled, excessive hot and rainy.
29th Complaints increas’d, the Boatswain several petty officers, and a great Number of the Ship’s Company excessively ill. The continued bad Weather for several Days past has scarcely left a Man in Health.
30th It began to amend. We found the Fleet reduced to thirteen Sail, Seven Men of War & Six Indiamen; the other Ships having laid hold of the Oportunity of separating, during the late bad Weather to avoid the detention always occasiond by a Number of ships sailing together. The Grafton sail’d extremely heavy, and having such a [end page 29]