A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 27

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 27
severely in the Afternoon & on the next Day, for betwixt the burning Heat of the Sun, the Fatigue & Land Air, I was seized with a violent Head ach attended by a Fever, which did not leave me for a considerable Time. I penetrated a little into the Country, which I found cover’d with a Kind of Underwood all in Verdure, & form’d a pretty Landscape. There were Cows, and other tame Cattle; Plenty of Game, such as Hares and Partridges peculiar to the Country, Pheasants etc. but all so wild, that it was a difficult Matter to get within Gunshot of them. The Natives are of a large size, and exceedingly well limb’d, they go almost naked, & are exceedingly expert at catching Fish which they do by spearing. . On the Morning of the 13th of May we sail’d from Goree Bay forming a Fleet of seven Men of War, and thirteen Indiamen The other Ships of War, Transports etc. remain’d on the Coast intending (we imagin’d) to go against Senegal. The Coast of Africa is generally disagreeable to sailors, for squalls of wind sometimes come so very suddenly as not to give Time enough for the Sails to be taken in. Sometimes they are Accompanied with Rain, Thunder & Lightning & call’d [end page 27]