A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 85

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 85
The Nabob’s second son is his prime Minister, whose Principles are said to be vile and treachourous. A Convincing Proof of this lately appear’d. When Sr Edwd Hughes with the Fleet went into Trinquemalie in the Island of Ceylon, they discover’d an immense Quantity of military Stores for the Equipment of a numerous Body of Horse. On enquiring whose they were, he was answer’d, that they had been collecting several Years for the Nabob of Arcots second son. Not one single Circumstance of those Stores had been mentioned to his Father or the Governor, nor could they be for their use, as the Company have but a very few Horse on the Coast. The general Conjecture is that he meant to secure a party to himself, cut off his Father, and reign Nabob of the Carnatic. The Account of our ill Success on the Coast was immediately dispatch’d to the Governor general, and Council of Bengal, who order’d Sr Eyre Coote to repair immediately to Madras, with all the european Troops, to take on him the Command of the Forces there, suspend Mr Whitehill, and place Mr Smith in the Chair. Which Circumstances took place in a very Short Time after. Mean Time several Battalions of Seapoys were marching round to Madras by Land (as their Religion forbids, [end page 85]