A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 86

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 86
their going on board Ship) & orders given for more Troops to be rais’d. All the Cash that Could be spared was sent from the Treasury of Bengal, and every Necessary Preparation set on foot to remedy the late Disaster. On S.r Eyre Coote’s Arrival at Madras, he could muster only about 4,000 effective Men. Hyder Aly besieged Arcot, the Capital Town (belonging to the Nabob) in the Carnatic, & took it at least it capitulated, and the Soldiers and Officers amounting only to 300 who had defended the Place six Weeks against 40,000 Men, march’d out with the Honours of War. The Contractor & Ponsonby two East Indiamen then laying in Madras Roads were sent to the Northward for Troops soon after the Defeat of Coln. Baily One of them went to Visegapatnam, where were several Battallions. On the Day of their intended Embarkation, when they were all drawn up, and their Officers at Dinner with the Chief, they mutinied, & on their Officers coming out to see what was the Matter, they fir’d upon them and kill’d several, & wounded the others. They took the chief & other Gentlemen in the civil Line and bound them hand & foot, and releas’d a frenchman, who was a prisoner there, after doing which, they march’d away in triumph & went in Quest of Hyder Ally’s Camp. . [end page 86]