A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 84

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 84
say 600,000£ and drain’d the Settlement of every Pagoda. Yet this conscientious Man, who once acted in the humble Station of a Waiter at White’s, is made a Baronet. O Tempora! O Mores! The Government is now in the Hands of a Man, whose Name has been long stampt with Infamy. Who knows his Reign will be Short, and is providing for himself and his Creatures with the utmost Rapidity. A Man whose Crimes a Modest Man cannot Mention. Who has combined against his Country (Mr W__ll fitted out the Elizabeth a french ship for the Maurituis, loaded her with Goods & informed her when the Osterly Indiaman would sail, & how she was mann’d. The Osterly was afterwards taken by the Elizabeth in Company with another French ship near the Mossel Bank off the Cape & was carried to the Maurituis. Mr W__ll is said to have cleard 80,000£ by this voyage. For the Truth of this I cannot vouch, but it is publicly asserted at Madras.) Hyder Aly gives out that he does not wish to engage in War with the English, but with the Nabob of Arcot who is under the Protection of the English, and has but few soldiers of his own and these he renders dissaffected to him, by delaying the Payment of their Wages for many Years. Whole Troops deserted from him before the last Engagement, and went over to Hyder. . . . [end page 84]