Petersen, Mary Zoe (nee Petrik) (1959)

Petersen, Mary Zoe (nee Petrik) (1959)
Mary Zoe Petrik graduated Lewis & Clark College in 1959. She would commute from NE Portland to school every day with a set of twins (Backstrom) she attended Jefferson High School with. Her grandmother and mother were both teachers. Mary Zoe was an Education major, which has since been discontinued at the undergraduate campus.

Lewis & Clark, according to Mary Zoe, was a “great place” to be—well rounded and personal. She liked having camaraderie with professors, who often stopped her on campus to chat. When asked, Mary Zoe’s favorite professor was Dr. Eugene N. Kozloff of the marine biology department. Mary Zoe was active within the Presbyterian Church (Lewis & Clark was affiliated with the Presbyterian Church at this time).

Post-graduation found Mary Zoe married to Larry Petersen (they dated in college but waited to marry) and teaching elementary school. A transfer through Larry’s job brought them to Seattle, Washington (where they coincidentally ran into Dr. Kozloff every so often)—Mary Zoe stopped teaching officially to focus on her school-age children, although she continued to substitute teach. They are now settled in Gresham, Oregon. Mary Zoe and Larry continue to put their ballroom classes to use—they still love to “cut the rug.”

Oral history interview of Lewis & Clark alumnus Mary Zoe Petersen (nee Petrik), conducted by Jasmine Graze on April 4, 2014. History Department, Spring Semester, 2014.
Oral History
Lewis & Clark College
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