A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 21

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 21
teries, upon some of which are large Cannon. At a little more than a Cable’s length from the Island, is a square Rock, the irregular Interstices of which, are filled up, and a pretty strong Battery erected on it. When it blows hard from the Sea, small vessels retreat behind this Rock & are in smooth Water. They call it the Lee Rock. There is likewise an old Castle situate on an Eminence at the South End of the Town, but I believe there are no Guns in it. They have a Play House on the Island and a Company of Performers, who during our stay there performd several Operas, but – – – –

“Harsh was the Voice, th unmodulated Tongue
in sounds discordant Cupid’s Empire sung” – —

There are several Monasteries on the Island, but poorly indow’d; those I visited, were full of a set of pitiable wretches, none Younger than thirty, seemingly no more sensible of the Embarassment of their Situations, than a confin’d Brute. There was nothing in their Faces which bespoke Sensibility, Joy, or Sorrow . . . . . [end page 21]