A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 22

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 22
We reach’d Madeira on the first of April, and supplied ourselves with many Necessaries, the Price of which we knew would be enhanc’d by the Arrival of the Fleet. Three Days after us the Hyæna Frigate arriv’d, who separated the same Time with us & and the 5th day the Admiral and all the Fleet arriv’d, & we lay there together till the 25th of April when the Fleet being supplied with what necessaries they wanted, we sail’d in Company with the whole Fleet. The Admiral steer’d for the Coast of Africa, and on the 8th of May we sail’d round Cape de Verd, and work’d into Goree Bay. Here we expected to have been opposed by the French and accordingly the Admiral made the Disposition for an Attack, but we were Surprised by seeing english Colours hoisted for the French apprehensive of having a visit paid them by some english Ships, had retir’d from this Island to Senegal a Town situate on the River Gambia, about 2[?] Miles to the NE. of which they had taken Possession & carried thither the principal Part of their Effects. Four small vessels were then in the Bay with their third [end page 22]