A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 62

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 62
We left Madras on the 12th of February, in Company with the Atlas, (the Bessborough having gone before). Off Couvelan the Atlas got aground within Sight of the Ships in Madras Roads. We presently after came to an Anchor, and sent her Assistance. In about fifteen Hours she got off without receiving any Considerable Damage. On the 14th We saw Pondicherry Flagg Staff, and came to an Anchor in the Night. Pondicherry is situated along shore like Madras, but the Surf does not beat quite so violent. It has some good buildings and the Fortification were masterly, but they are almost destroyed. A Battalion of Sepoys are garrison’d here under the Command of a Major & the French Inhabitants live very peaceably under the English Government. The black Town here is more regularly built than that at Madras, but their Customs etc. are nearly the same, they being about 100 miles distant. The Vegetables are said to be much better here than at Madras, tho’ I did not observe a remarkable difference. On the 17th of February after taking in 160 Sepoys, Officers, etc. We made Sail in Company with the Atlas, Bessborough, and some country vessels. It is a beautiful Coast and would be very pleasant but for Currents, foul Winds, Shoals etc. some of which one is sure to meet with. On the 21st we made the Island of Ceylon & on the first of March Cape Comorin, the Southernmost Point of the hither Peninsula of India. Here we gave Chace to a Country Ship but could not come up with her. On the 2nd the Bessborough & Country Ships left us. [end page 62]