A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 63

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 63
On the 5th we came to an Anchor off Angings a Small English Settlement on the Coast of Malabar, where we inform’d that a Number of Maratha’s infested the Coast. 7th We came to an anchor at Cochin a dutch Settlement, where they have a Governor, Council etc. It is the Capital of the dutch Settlements on this Coast, but remarkable for Nothing, but a species of the Elephantiasis found amongst the black People in plenty. It generally affects the Leg & is commonly call’d the Cochin Leg. Here is a Bar, but it may be avoided, there being a wide Channel, Yet an english E. Indiaman’s Boat was once lost here, whereby a Lady, the Captain, 2d Mate & Doctor were drown’d. We sail’d from hence the 10th, and anchor’d the 13th in Callicut Road. Here we saw a fleet of ships one of which hoisted Company’s Colours They weigh’d and stood after us. 14th. Saw Sacrifice Rock, there being light Winds we did not pass it till the 16th. When it appear’d to be a kind of Pumice Stone, without the least appearance of Herbage. 16th pass’d Tillicherry & 12th Mt.dilla 20th Saw Mangelore the fortified Town of the famous Hyder Aly. join’d by the Bessborough and a Snow. 22 Saw St Mary’s Rocks. 24th saw Hog Island, Pigeon Island, & Bassalore. 26th Saw Anjedive, & the Oyster Rocks off Carwar. 27th Saw Cape Raymas. 28th Saw St George’s Island and Marmagon Salset. In the Afternoon Anchor’d in Goa Bay. and saluted the Fort. Goa is the principal Settlement the Portuguese have in the East. The outer Harbour where large Ships lie is call’d [end page 63]