A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 79

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 79
home in another Ship. Mr Hardcastle’s Affair when candidly enquir’d into, will very much against him, but as he landed at Bombay when we pass’d it to go to Surat, he had an Oportunity of spreading reports before Captn. Bull return’d. And had Captn. Bull exerted himself a little more even then, & attended the Trial properly, as his Friends in vain sollicited him to do, I sincerely believe Mr Hardcastle’s suspension would have been confirm’d. Mr Warrington our 5th Mate engaged himself so far in Mr Hardcastle’s Interest, that he ran away from the ship, accompanied by a Midshipman, who were the only Two, whose Evidence appear’d in Favor of Mr Hardcastle. During our laying at Bombay our Armourer died of the Dysentery. And several of our Men ran away, so that we were obliged to get Lascars to assist us in getting the ship round to Bengal, for which Place we sail’d with a Cargo of Cotton on board, having order to touch at Madras to deliver a Packet. We had a leading Wind and made a good Run all down the Coast, till we came abreast of the Friar’s Hood on the Island of Ceylon. Where we were becalm’d four Days. Here we fell in with the Neptune Captn. Wemyss who had sail’d from Bombay twenty four Hours before us. At length a Light Breeze sprung up, and the Neptune being a good sailor left us, & got to Madras one day before us. The Night before we arriv’d at Madras being then only 4 or 5 Leagues below it, there came on a most violent squall, which however happily did us no harm. We came [end page 79]