A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 80

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 80
to an Anchor in Madras Roads on the Morning of the 7th of September. Immediately went on Shore with our Chief Mate who had an Inflammation in his Liver ever since we left Bombay and plac’d him under the care of Dr. Pasley, a very eminent & learned Man. On our Arrival here we were inform’d that Hyder Aly had enter’d the Carnatic with 100,000, Troops well disciplin’d & come almost to the Walls of Madras Sr Hector Munro went out to drive him off, with an Army of 8000 Men, Of which Number 1000 were europeans, Orders were likewise sent for Coln. Cosby to join him with 1000 Men, Coln. Brathwaite from Pondicherry with another Detachment, & Coln. Baily with about 2400 Men & 10 Field Pieces. Which Army join’d together was imagin’d stronger than Hyder’s. Coln. Cosby & Brathwaite join’d a few Days after we arriv’d & the Accounts of Coln. Baily were impatiently expected, which arriv’d on the 14th or 15th and brot. the Melancholy News that Coln. Baily had fall’n in with Hyder within a few Miles of the grand Army. Hyder’s Army consisted of 24,000 Horse, 30,000 Foot & 1,500 Frenchmen with 20 Field Pieces. That Sr Hector Munro, heard the Firing, but would not agree to march to their Relief altho’ Tents were struck and every thing ready but contrary to the advice of those he consulted sent a Detachment of 4 Companies of the 73rd Regt. with three [end page 80]