A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 96

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 96
Threats and tell you, you dare not strike him. Upon receiving the most trifling Blow they run to the Judges, make their Complaint, and ☞ are redress’d. . . . The english Territories extend to the Borders of the Kingdom of Thibet to the distance of 1,200 Miles. Where Troops are constantly kept for Collecting the Revenue (which Amounts in all the Provinces to £3,000,000H.) and are reliev’d once in two Years. In this Extent of Country are many Towns & Chiefships Where Gentlemen high in the Service reside. Of these are Patna, Dacca, Cossinbazar, Luckypore, Luckinhow, Benares etc. Where they live like Petty Princes and realize the Fortunes of Nabobs. The luxurious & magnificent Method of living here, detains Gentlemen many Years longer in the Country; than they otherwise would have Occasion for; The Riches of this Part of India are so immense, as to become proverbial, yet even here, if Interest is wanting, a Man may toil all his Life Time & be poor at last. A Writer when he lands in the Country plunged himself into the common Course of Extravagance, & runs himself so far in Debt as requires the good Fortune of several years to discharges. Artificers & Artists of all kinds succeed well in Calcutta. It is the finest Field in the world for a Man with Abilities and A little Interest … The Trade of Bengal consists [end page 96]