A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 97

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 97
principally of white Goods, Rare Silk, Callicoes, Saltpetre & Borax the Produce of the Country. Every kind of Goods finds a Markett in the River Ugli, but it makes much against the wellfare of the Place, as most of the ships when they have dispos’d of their Cargoes, are paid in Money, and will take no Bengal Goods in Exchange but a little Rice. They have lately planted Indigo, in this Country and entertain the greatest Hopes of its success. Since the Company have alter’d the Mode of Government in Bengal, (establishing a supreme Council from Europe, and giving only the commercial Business into the Hands of their long servants in India thereby constituting a Board of Trade consisting of twelve Persons) none of their Affairs have flourish’d, for there are continual Animosities between the two Boards. To which Contention Captn. Bull became a victim, being obliged to get his Ship ready by an order of the supreme Council to sail with the other ships. This they did to distress the Board of Trade, imagining that the Time would be too short for them to get the Goods ready and send them down, or for the ship to take them in. Both of which however was effected. Captn. Bull had the greatest Hopes that as Mr Hastings had in a former voyage come out to India, when he was needy and could afford to pay [end page 97]