A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 104

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 104
a regular method, forming the appearance of a small, neat, english Country Town. A very lofty Hill call’d Ladder Hill rises on the West Side, and one little inferior in point of Height on the East call’d Mundine’s, because on the extreme point of this rocky Hill projecting into the Sea Captn Mundine in 1673 landed a number of Men from his Jibb-Boom and retook the Island from the Dutch, who had taken it from the English the proceeding year. St James’s Valley at the Beach is about __ Yards broad (where there is an excellent Line of heavy Guns and preserves that Breadth for the distance of a Mile, where it contracts and takes a winding direction. A few Yards behind the Guns on the Line is a fine row of Trees, the whole length of the Line, which affords a very agreeable shady walk, and exhibits by its perpetual verdure a most striking contrast to the impending Rocks which frown horribly on either side. A wall immediately behind separates the Line from the Town adjoining to which are the Company’s Offices & Store Houses, the Governor’s House and Esplanade which occupy a space parallel with the Line of Guns about __ Feet Broad. The main Guard, Officer’s Guard room, & Court Martial Room stand immediately behind the Governor’s House; opposite to which on the other side of the Esplanade, are the Smith’s Shops & Jail. The street commences from the Espanade, one Corner of which is form’d by the Church, the other by a wall enclosing the Companies Garden. The Church is a small plain Edifice lately erected by Captn. Tippet, when [end page 104]