A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 105

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 105
Engineer of the Island. The Gardens are not worth mentioning. Houses are adjoin’d to each of these & running in a direct line up the valley from a very pretty street to the distance of 12 or 14 Houses, where it separates into two small streets forming an acute angle. The left Hand Street extends but a short distance, the right Hand one has a bridge immediately after its separation and extends a considerable way up the valley containing, Europe Shops, Punch Houses and People of the middle and lower class, and is call’d the upper valley, whilst that part below the bridge is the court end of the town and call’d the lower valley. At the extreme End of the right Hand Street is a fine row of trees, nearly half a Mile in Length, at about half the distance of which are Barracks for the Accomodation of the eight Junior Officers on the Island and for all the Soldiers, and at the upper End stands the Hospital which is no more than a dwelling House made use of for that purpose. The Governors House is a very neat building, as is the Lt. Governor’s, both furnish’d by the Company, & there are several other neat, but not large Houses in the valley. They are very dear as all materials for building must be brought thither by the shipping. I suppose they fetch as much money as Houses of an equal Goodness would in a frequented part of London. At the back of their Houses is a strong wall to stop any stones that may tumble from the mountains which hang frightfully over the valley. The Number [end page 105]