Engelhard, Klaus (Professor Emeritus of French and German, 1969-2002)

Engelhard, Klaus (Professor Emeritus of French and German, 1969-2002)
Klaus Engelhardt was born in Germany in 1936 and moved to Munich in 1945 at the age of nine years old. He attended the University of Munich for both undergraduate and graduate school, earning a Ph.D. in Romance Languages, specifically French. Aside from speaking his native German, he speaks Latin, English and French and has picked up bits of other languages over the years. He received a job offer from George Sinclair, the head of Lewis & Clark College’s Foreign Languages Department to teach French and German. Shortly afterwards, both he and his wife, Marie, moved to Portland in 1969. He has two children, a son and a daughter. His daughter was part of Lewis & Clark’s graduating class in 2000. Over his years at the school, Professor Engelhardt served as a program director for many of L&C’s overseas and abroad programs, as a faculty advisor for SAAB, and also as the Foreign Language Department Chair. He retired in 2002 and is now listed as a Professor Emeritus. He continues to teach German to children at a local community center.

Professor Engelhardt remains active on campus through his visits to the library and the gym, as well as through continued involvement with the Overseas Office and the Alumni Office.

Oral history interview of Lewis & Clark Professor Klaus Engelhardt, conducted by Heather Schadt on October 16, 2014. History Department, Fall Semester, 2014.
Oral History
Lewis & Clark College
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