Hunter, Mary Lou (Associate Professor Emeritus of
Health and Physical Education, 1965-1998)

Hunter, Mary Lou (Associate Professor Emeritus of
Health and Physical Education, 1965-1998)
Mary Lou Hunter was born in Portland, Oregon, where she attended elementary school. She became interested in horseback riding and saved money to buy herself a horse. Her family lived in Northeast Portland at the time, and decided to move to a ten-acre farm in Happy Valley, Oregon, where she could keep her horse. At fourteen, her family moved again to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she would attend high school. After she graduated from high school, she came back to Oregon to enroll at Lewis & Clark College. She majored in physical education and minored in art, graduating from Lewis & Clark with honors. During her time as a student at the College she participated in most intramural sports, and took a few dance classes. After graduation, she went on to graduate school at Oregon State University. She then came back to Lewis & Clark to teach physical education, becoming a coach of women’s basketball and volleyball. She was able to help establish the Outdoor School Education program, becoming the main teacher of the program’s classes. She now lives in Lake Oswego, where she is enjoying her retirement, painting and being as active as she can.

Oral history interview of Lewis & Clark alumna Mary Lou Hunter, conducted by Aurora Garrison on October 6, 2014. History Department, Fall Semester, 2014.

Oral History
Lewis & Clark College
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