Campbell, Larry (1953)

Campbell, Larry (1953)
Larry Campbell was born July 17, 1931 in Des Moines, Iowa. His father worked for a telephone company, and the family moved to Oregon in order to take advantage of the job opportunities made available after the onset of WWII when he was nine. He attended Washington High School in Portland, and was the first member of his family to attend college. Larry started college immediately upon graduating from Washington High in 1949 and majored in Speech, with a “minor” in Political Science. He was President of the Young Republicans on campus, a member of the local fraternity Delta Tau Rho, and a participant on the school’s debate team. Larry’s favorite professors were Dr. Ulysses Grant Dubach and Dr. Neil Sabin. He lived at home his first two years, and the third in the chapter house of the fraternity, where he worked as a cook. After graduation in 1953, Larry went on to become Active Sergeant Major of the Military Police Battalion, a member of the Board of Trustees, and the Speaker of the Oregon House Legislature from 1991-1994. He founded his own lobbying company in Salem. He and his wife, Karlyn, have four sons and currently reside in Eugene, where they are both retired.

Oral history interview of Lewis & Clark alumnus Larry Campbell, conducted by Gwen Matthews on March 17, 2014. History Department, Spring Semester, 2014.
Oral History
Lewis & Clark College
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