A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 9

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 9
People, who under the Mask of Neutrality, drain the world of its wealth, & accumulate to themselves an Immensity of Riches, whilst other Kingdoms are wantonly disporting with the Lives and Properties of their Inhabitants. These vessels generally go unarm’d to any Part of the Globe, the Dutch having Artifice enough to extricate themselves from any Kind of difficulty which may happen … After having separated ten days, we had a little Engagement with a small Brig Privateer, which afterwards prov’d to be english. The Captain of her show’d himself that Day to be a brave Man, by engaging a Ship, really of Force much superior to himself (and apparently still greater). She mounted Sixteen, six & four pounders, and carried fifty five Men, to whom, upon seeing us, the Captain remonstrated on the Improbability of Success; but they turning a deaf Ear on his Harangue, he made a courageous resolution to bear down, & if we prov’d an Enemy, take us or sink by our Side … Amid all this Prospect of danger, the daily Confusion which reign’d in the Ship is undescribable. Upon seeing a sail which was generally at Day Light, the Officers Cabins were all knocked down with their Chests, Trunks & Baggage and Hammocks & Cots carried upon Deck. Perhaps by the [end page 9]