A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 13

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 13
miserable Existence indeed, and the unfortunate Innocent who falls a Victim to the Bareness of Prejudice, the Incapacity of Judgement or the Caprice of a malicious Magistrate must most severely feel the Horrors around him. There is not even room for Contemplation or Study, the menacing Aspect of the Rocks striking the Soul Aghast with Horror, and the perpetual Gloom denouncing it the residence of Death. The Wretch who with difficulty escapes the cruel Inquisition to be sent here, has but little good Fortune to boast. Tis true he preserves his Life, but every sublunary Enjoyment is alienated from his Situation … We were becalm’d off these Islands and could not reach Madeira tho but a short Distance from it, till the next Day, when we came to an Anchor in Funchale Roads on the South West Side of the Island . . We roll’d prodigiously going in, there being a great Swell, And carried away our Fore Top Mast, & came to an Anchor, with it down. We found lying here The Tiger Privateer of Bristol, And a West Indiaman who had a Letter of Marque, but none of our Fleet had yet Arriv’d. The Glasgow Frigate came in a few Days after us … [end page 13]