A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 18

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 18
Oranges and Lemons on their native Trees, interspers’d with Shrubs and Flowers; the Whole wears a diversified Fare of unequal variety. They have very fine Springs of Water issuing from the Mountains said to excell any in the World. The town of Funchall is capacious, but irregularly built; all the Streets except one or Two disagreeably narrow. Their Buildings are old and wretched. There are several Churches of which that consecrated to St Antonio is the best, both with respect to Size and Ornamental Possessions. It stands on a Square Piece of Ground, in the Middle of the principal street without any Wall or Pallisadoes round it; & only a Pavement of broad Stones extending a few feet round [illegible] & the same with all their Churches to distinguish them from any other building. The Body of St. Antonio’s Church contains three Altars, each of which are pretty well ornamented, and instill a Kind of sacred Awe, even whilst we abhor the Superstition of their Adorers. These Altars form three Sides of a Square. On one of them before the Image of Christ are Wax Tapers many Inches in Diameter, & several smaller ones before Saints According to their respective Degrees of Elevation. Many [end page 18]