A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 25

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 25
and last Lading on board and were made Prizes of, by the Admiral. It is reported that Sr. Edwd. Hughes before he left England, had certain Intelligence of this Maneuver of the French, if so he neglected an Oportunity of distressing an Enemy, for Senegal lying so far to windward of Goree, makes the passage from Goree thither tedious, but Sr. Edwd. might if he had chosen, sail’d directly from Madeira to Senegal and taken it & proceeded along the Coast to Goree without causing any Delay. Both these Settlements might have been as easily taken as one, for the French had not Force sufficient to have Repell’d a Quarter of Sr. Edward’s Fleet . . . . The Island of Goree lies in Lat. 1’4 “ 3’0 N Long ___ and is in itself a very insignificant Spot being about two Miles long & scarcely so much as that broad. The Fort stands on the highest Part of the Island, & is accessible but by one Path. It has a Number of Cannon and Commands the whole Island. It is separated from the main Land of Africa by a narrow Gut of about three or four Miles in Breadth, & is of so much importance to the Slave Trade, that whatever Power is in Possession of this Island is Master of the Trade. Was it [end page 25]