A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 31

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 31
in all probability, almost as soon as he reach’d the water, and his Body floated like a piece of wood.
14th The little Child left by the late Mrs. Brown, departed this Life. The Flux became almost general equally severe amongst Soldiers and Sailors.
15th In the Morning we found our Main Top Mast sprung but as it would admit of repairing, The Carpenter began upon it instantly; but as soon as we could carry sail upon it, we carried away our Fore Mast. Thus situated, with few Men on board and those sick, we made a Signal to speak the Admiral, told him our Situation, and begg’d Assistance. He sent the Eagle Captn. Reddale a 64 Gunship, who put on board us, twelve good Seamen and four Carpenters; he likewise at Captn. Bull’s request took us in tow. Presently after a fresh Breeze sprang up, & the Eagle being an excellent Sailor ran with us at such a rate, that the next Morning at break of Day the Fleet were out of Sight a stern, but coming up some Time after, the Admiral made the Signal to shorten sail.
18th A Soldier died.
19th Another Soldier died. The Flux grew terrible; People continued to be every Day seized with it, & they in whom it’s Violence was a little Subsided, remain’d in a helpless [end page 31]