A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 38

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 38
The Breeze fail’d us, and left us off the Land in almost a Calm It is rather a dangerous Place to work into in the Night, but a gentle Breeze springing up, we fired Guns, for Light to be hoisted on Penguin Island, which was accordingly done, and we got into Table Bay. There we found four of the Indiamen at an Anchor, who had likewise parted Company but arriv’d before us. The Admiral and three other Ships were in False Bay and within a week they all arriv’d, nothing material happening to them except the Loss of a Topmast or two. They had all been sickly during the Passage, the Men of War, particularly amongst whom the Scurvy made dreadful Havock. The Burford Man of War had buried upwards of seventy Men and three Times that Number incapable of doing their Duty. The Resolution Indiaman had been visited by a malignant Fever, in which she buried upwards of Forty of her Ship’s Company. We found it difficult to land our Sick Men immediately, So we got Meat, Vegetables, Oranges, and all Kinds of fresh Provisions for them; & in a few Days they were all able to undergo the Fatigue, & notwithstanding their dismal situation, all speedily recovered. We sent on Shore of Soldiers [end page 38]