A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 46

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 46
Faggots of Wood to a Calx. Houses are consequently very dear. Fifteen thousand Rix Dollars was given for a Tradesmen’s House. The Dutch Inhabitants are generally healthy & long liv’d, The Women in general are handsome, the Men lusty and strong. Every Kind of menial Employment & even the lower Artifices such as, Bricklaying, Shoemaking etc. are perform’d by slaves brought in dutch ships from India. They have a great Number, but keep them in the most abject submission, punishing them severely for trivial Offences. The Junior Member of the Council at Batavia has the Government of the Cape, with a Council sent from Holland. The Fiscal or Mayor, has very extensive Power, & is independent of the Governor sent from Holland, and not be remov’d from his Office but by a special Order of the Directors at home. He decides all small offences, but Capital Crimes or intricate Trials are referr’d to the Council, at which Time the second in Council presides & acts as Judge, this, condemns, or acquits the prisoner. But no Person can be executed till the Governor has sign’d the Death Warrant in whom alone is repos’d the Power of Life and Death. The Fiscal is Lieutenant of the Police & has a Number of Men (malays) always ready to execute his Commands, assisted by large Mastiffs, who, if the Culprit endeavours to fly seize him, and sometimes almost tear him in Pieces . . . . . . . [end page 46]