A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 49

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 49
On the 8th or 9th of October the Signal was made from the Sugarloaf for a Fleet, which afterwards prov’d to be Six English EastIndiaman viz. The Hawke, Ceres, Prime, True briton, Walpole & Earl of Sandwich. The Arrival of these Ships occasion’d a longer delay of the Fleet, as it was necessary they should remain a fortnight or three weeks to refresh. On the 27th. the Admiral made the signal but contrary winds detain’d us till the 5th of November, when we sail’d in Company with the Indiamen who had join’d us making in all one & twenty Sail. The Reason the Admiral assign’d for his long Stay at the Cape was on Account of the Monsoons which are periodical winds blowing one half of the Year from the Southwest & the other half from the North East. Fortunately for his Majesty most of the People employ’d in his Service are too wise to be instructed. However had it been otherwise & Sr. Edwd Hughes had condescended to have ask’d the Advice of the old India Captains he might have found his Way to India about two Months sooner than he did. We arriv’d in Madras Roads on the 18th of Jany.1780. The Grafton was very healthy in her Passage from the Cape, not losing a Man, by Sickness, but two unfortunate young Fellows fell overboard and were drown’d. The Men of War were very sickly the Superbe particularly so that the Admiral was obliged to shift his Flag on board the Worcester & let the Superbe convoy’d by the Eagle, make the best of her Way. They had a Kind of a [??]sensic= [end page 49]