A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 52

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 52
others, horridly nasty, particularly in a large Plain which divides the Fort from black Town. The Houses of the Gentoos are low consisting of a number of small rooms on one Floor & so many People are generally crouded together in one House, as must totally banish Cleanliness from amongst them. But the poorer Sort who cannot purchase or rent Houses build themselves small Huts on the open Plain or Esplanade, or throng themselves in one Corner of a Street, in Houses resembling wretched Dog Kennels in England, or more properly a Hottentot Krawl. . In some Part of every street is a Church, the principal of which, tho’ at best but paltry Edifices, contain things of great value, viz. Gold etc. with they adorn their Idols. Paganism whatever might be its origin or Foundation, seems to be supported by unconquerable Ignorance & consequently can never be extinguish’d amongst them. It inculcates on the meaner Tribe abject submission to their Superiors, who whilst possess’d of this Key to the People’s Minds, can never be induced to part with it easily. Many of their Rigid Institutions tend to no other Point, than blinding their Eyes to Independence or Liberty. Their Religion teaches to Acknowledge but one God, whom they represent by divers symbolical Figures, expressing the [end page 52]