A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 54

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 54
from high Poles on either Side on which they hoist Flags of various Colours & entwine the whole with Flowers. They have likewise Wooden Figures of Bulls & Camels as large as the Life. These People are divided into a great Vanity of Classes, call’d Casts, to describe the Customs of each of which would be an endless Piece of work, far beyond my knowledge. Religion is the fundamental Principle on which they act; the Care of which together with the distribution of Justice, Knowledge of Medicine and Inculcation of Knowledge is committed to the Bramins who are the principle. To these all other People of what Cast soever pay respect. They are prohibited from practising any of the meaner Arts & are supported by donations or rather Exactions from the People in general who are divided into an infinity of Casts, whose Precedence is regulated. No person dares invade a different Cast, but each must follow his allotted Employment. Thus the Taylor’s Son must be a Taylor, the Shoemaker’s a Shoemaker. Intermarriages with various Casts are likewise forbid. By the Comission of certain Crimes, or by the degeneracy of Breed, they sometimes irrecoverably lose their Cast, & go under the denomination of Parrears, being never after made the least Account of, nor distinguish’d from Brutes, but pursue unnotic’d any libidinous Cause they please. [end page 54]