A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 69

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 69
inhabit Surat is incredible, & they live in such little tottering Houses as surprizes one, for a Person seems to be in danger as he walks thro’ their narrow streets, nevertheless they carry on Business there with the utmost Regularity, and I have heard it frequently call’d a good Place. The English Resident here (or Chief) is a Counsellor of Bombay, who with four or five senior Merchants form a Council at Surat; but, no great Fortunes can be made here, except by those who have Interest enough to procure, two or three lucrative Posts. It is the Residence of a Nabob. The French, Dutch & Portuguese, had, Factories here but the French Factory since the War commenc’d has been broke up. There is a Castle in the City which mounts a Number of Guns. All kinds of Provisions are to be got at Surat. Excellent Beef & Mutton, Potatoes, Cabbages, Yams etc. with which they supply Bombay, as likewise Wheat & Rice. There are always two or three Vessels belonging to Bombay Marine station’d here, of which the youngest Bombay Captain is generally Commodore. The Bar runs out a long Way, which renders it very dangerous laying there especially at the Monsoon Time which commences sooner than at Bombay. Such an Amazing swell rolls in, that ships often break adrift & get upon the Bar. The Atlas parted her Cable here & lost an Anchor, but fortunately came too in plenty of Water. In this Country they manufacture, Silks, Cottons, Shawls, etc. Drugs etc. are to be bought. [end page 69]