A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 73

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 73
which amongst the Natives constitute a Trade. An Owner of a small piece of Ground plants a Number of those Trees, taking Care to have the Convenience of Water, & in a few Years they bear Fruit & are then let for a yearly Rent. The Inhabitants of Bombay consist of a great Vanity of Breeds. The English of Course hold the highest Rank, then the Descendants of the English by black Women, of which there are a great Number of a very disagreeable Colour, being neither black nor white. There are a Number of Portuguese, black, some of whom are partly rich. All these we suppose have an european Mixture in them. Of the Native Eastern Branch, the Persees tho originally not of this Coast claim the Preference, because they have the most Money & the greatest Rogues. Yet to do them Justice there are some very good People amongst them. This Branch of People are descendants from the Ancient Inhabitants of Persia, who upon the Conquest of that Country by the Mahometans, fled into India to preserve their Religion; The Mahometans putting all to the sword, who would not embrace theirs. The Gentoos afforded them an Asylum on Condition they would in Compliance with the Gentoo Religion abstain from Pork, which they promis’d & perform it as punctually as the Jews in London. Those are the Worshippers of the Sun, and of the Fire, which latter they dare not extinguish. The Countenance those People have lately receiv’d from the English, makes them rank themselves above the Gentoos, who are not a whit inferior [end page 73]