A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 76

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 76
The oldest Captain is Commodore of the Coast. These convoy Fleets of Boats up and down the Coast, carry Dispatches & go to Persia Bengal etc. From the Adjacent Island of Salsett, Surat & other Settlements, Bombay is supplied with Necessaries. Of the Animal Kind, they get Bullocks, Sheep, Goats, Hogs, Buffaloes, Hares, Ducks, Fowls, Geese & Turkeys. with different Kind of Wild Fowl. Of Fish, there are Plenty. Soles, Skeat Maids, Pompets, Mullet, Eels, Modishun Fish, Rock Cod & many others. Of the vegetable their Gardens produce Cabbages, a Kind of Spinach, the finest Onions in the World, french Beans, Cucumbers, Musk & Water Melons, Pine apples, Mangoes, Guavas, Plantains, Bananas, Pawpaws, Custard apples, & other Fruits imitative of the european kind & making good substitutes for Gooseberry & Apple Pies. They have likewise Radishes, Lettuce & other sallad Herbs & Roots. Their Trees are besides the Fruit Trees before Mentirn’d, the Teak, an excellent kind of black wood, the Ricinus vulgaris, Palmira Tree, Cocoa Nut Tree etc. Which last is of infinite Service from the various Uses it is put to. From a rough hairy Part of the outside of the Nut is make all kinds of Rope, even Cables, The Inside of the Nut supplies them with an agreeable Drink, call’d the Milk, & they use the Nut itself in Curries. The Shell they burn, I believe to make a kind of blacking. By wounding the lofty Branching, A Liquor exudes, with which they sometimes [end page 76]