A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 82

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 82
and Troops, Bengal should remain in our Possession, The possession of the other Settlements would have it in either their Power to take our Ships and stop our Trade. Affairs in India have a bad Appearance, and what is now only apprehended will soon be realized, unless wiser Governors, and greater Generals have the conducting them. The Popular Cry loudly exclaims against Sr. H. M_nr_ They Complain not only of his Stupidity & Ignorance, but hesitate not to criminate him. They accuse him of not having the King or Company’s Interest at Heart, they interpret his sending so small a detachment against Hyder, into motives criminal and treacherous. They assent that the few proceeding Months have been solely occupied by him in purchasing european Bills and Diamonds to remit his Money. That he took the Field without Ammunition or Provisions; that when he heard Baily was departed he fled with the utmost Precipitation towards Madras, gall’d all the way by the Enemy. That he had no Intelligence himself nor would receive any from the other Officers. The wound concerning the Pondicherry Business broke out a fresh. He was again call’d Fool, & Coward, They say that at the Siege of Pondicherry, more money & Time was expend’d than would have taken four such Places, attack’d by an experienc’d [end page 82]