A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 90

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 90
thousands. At the Time there is scarcely a Breath of Wind to be perciev'd. Thus the air at Calcutta, blowing on all sides, over Fens, and Marshes, must be constantly unwholesome. Providence has in great Measure provided against the Evil of rotten Fish, Flesh etc. by making the Country abound with Jackalls, Parrear Dogs, Vultures, Kites, Crows etc. The two former of which clear the streets of filth by Night and the latter by day. These are so familiar, that they’ll fly into a House and take Victuals off the Table. . . The Winter Months in England, are the winter Months in Calcutta, and during that season there is not a more delightful Region under Heaven, nor (the Inhabitants say) a more healthy. In December and January the air is exceedingly cool, and even Ice is produced up the Country, but never as I heard at Calcutta. The Earth at this season opens her stores, and produces everything that is produced on the Face of the Globe. Their vegetables approach nearer to those of England in Taste, Colour and Size, then any I saw since I left England. The Country abounds with Wild Beasts of many kinds, some of which attack Men, but seldom unmolested. It has been long imagin’d that no Lions are contain’d in India, but it is now contradicted. At a small Fort lately taken by Captn. Popham a good way up the Country, there were three living ones and the Marks of many others. One of those three [end page 90]