A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 100

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 100
The Consequence of which was that the next Morning the Commodore was out of sight a stern, & the Day following the True Briton started from us so that the Fox and us were left to round the Cape by ourselves. We had a fresh Gale And exceedingly cold Weather off the Cape, so severe as to knock up our poor Lascars who had never experienced any thing of the Kind before. This gave birth to some symptoms of the Scurvy, but as the fresh Breeze carried us every Day into warmer weather, its progress was not quite so rapid as it is generally found to be. On the 12th of March without meeting with any kind of ship or vessel we arriv’d at St Helena. There we found riding the Princess vessel from Bencoolen, who had been there seven weeks, & we there heard the disagreeable Account of our having lost five Indiamen one of which was a store ship for St Helena. By the Loss of this ship the Island was thrown into the greatest distress, being in the utmost want of Salt Provisions, and not having a naval store of any kind to supply the shipping. The Common Necessaries, such as Hats, Shoes etc., they had long expended, even the Soldiers could not muster a sufficient Number of Shoes to supply the Guard … [end page 100]