A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 115

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 115
This society is made up of seven Members whose profits annually amount in the whole at a moderate compensation to £2500. . Which sum is divided as follows. The third and fourth in Council have one third of the whole £833[?].6[?].8 The fifth in Council, Secy. Store Keeper, Parson, & Surgeon divide the remaining ⅔d. having each £333.6.8. ……….
1666.13.4 / 2500 • “ • “
(The Governor, and Lt Governor are excluded from the society) ...
By this Society are licens’d five Punch Houses who are allow’d each sixty Gallons PWeek, and are honour’d with the Title of the Company’s Punch Houses. They buy their Arrack from the Cellars at 6.s 6.d PGallon and retail it to the Soldiers etc. at 12.s 12.d, so that exclusive of the oportunity all people of that Tribe have of adulterating their Liquors The Punch House keepers have a clear annual Profit of £936. It is surprising that in so small an Island (where there are only a Garrison of five hundred Men & that number not compleat) so great a sum as £4680[?] should be clear’d annually by Punch Houses, but it is most strictly true. All the Inhabitants of the Island whether civil or military except the Society are prohibited the Importation of Liquor, but are allow’d a certain Quantity Monthly, paying the Society 6d PGallon above prime cost, and so great is the quantity thus expended as to bring them in nearly [end page 115]