A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 118

A Voyage to the East Indies: Page 118
We lay at St Helena twenty weeks in the Course of which Time Twelve ships arriv’d from China, and one from Madras. In the Beginning of July the Shark Sloop who had been detach’d from Johnstons’ Fleet to cruize off the Cape, arriv’d but brought no news we having learnt from a store ship who arriv’d a week before the most remarkable occurrences in Europe and America. In the latter part of July the Renown 50 Gun Ship arriv’d who had been sent to the Brazils for five Chinamen, (who had come to St Helena) but not finding them there after remaining six weeks she came away for St Helena. On the 29th of July 1781 The signal was made for sailing, when we all got under way & proceeded to sea, making together a Fleet of two and twenty sail of which two were Men of War, eighteen Indiamen, and two Whalers, who had been Fishing on the Coast of Brazil, but had been lying at St Helena waiting for Convoy upwards of four Months. We sail’d in two regular Lines having nine Indiaman on each of the Commodore’s Quarters, two of the oldest Captains were order’d to wear Flags, to deceive the Enemy should we be so unfortunate as to fall in with them by our formidable appearance. ––––– [end page 118]