WWII Civilian Public Service: Photographs

This collection includes photographs documenting the activities in U.S. Civilian Service camps for conscientious objectors during World War II.

(462 total)

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Mt. Hood from Lost Lake

Photograph taken at Lost Lake side camp for CPS #21.

ca. 1942

CPS man getting haircut

Photograph taken at CPS #21 Cascade Locks.

ca. 1942


Unidentified CPS men swimming near CPS #21 Cascade Locks.

ca. 1942

George Yamada

Photograph taken at CPS #21 Cascade Locks.

ca. 1942

Jim Townsend

Photograph taken at CPS #21 Cascade Locks.

ca. 1942

Les Abbenhouse

Photograph taken at CPS #21 Cascade Locks.

ca. 1942

Don Baker

Photograph taken at Lost Lake side camp for CPS #21.

ca. 1942

cross dresser

Photograph taken at CPS #21 Cascade Locks. Note on back of print reads, "Present head luandryman."

ca. 1942

Kermit Sheets

Photograph taken at Lost Lake side camp for CPS #21.

ca. 1942

CPS man getting a haircut

Photograph taken at Lost Lake side camp for CPS #21.

ca. 1942

Alan McRae

Photograph taken at Lost Lake side camp for CPS #21.

ca. 1942

Del Vaniman

Photograph taken at CPS #21 Cascade Locks. Vaniman later changed his name to Ray Fletcher.

ca. 1942

Kermit Sheets

Kermit Sheets with camera at CPS #21 Cascade Locks.

ca. 1942


Interior of CPS #21 Cascade Locks library, designed by Kemper Nomland.

ca. 1942

Kermit Sheets reading

Photograph taken at CPS #21 Cascade Locks.

ca. 1942

CPS men at work camp

Unidentified CPS #21 members. Photograph taken at Lost Lake side camp for CPS #21.

ca. 1942

CPS #21 member

Unidentified CPS #21 camp member. Photograph taken at Lost Lake side camp for CPS #21.

ca. 1942


Interior of CPS #21 Cascade Locks library, designed by Kemper Nomland.

ca. 1942

Raking at Cascade Locks, CPS #21

unidentified camp member

ca. 1942

man playing clarinet

unidentified camp member at Cascade Locks, CPS #21

ca. 1942

Kermit Sheets

Photograph presumably taken on furlough from CPS Camp #21.

ca. 1942

Don Baker and Kermit Sheets

Cascade Locks, CPS Camp #21 members on furlough. left to right: unidentified, Don Baker, Kermit Sheets

ca. 1942

Don Baker

Photograph taken at Mt. Ranier during a furlough from CPS Camp #21, Cascade Locks.

ca. 1942

Kemper Nomland, Don Baker, and Kermit Sheets

Photograph taken at Cascade Locks, Oregon, CPS Camp #21. Kermit described this group of friend as "the cleek" on the back of the photograph

ca. 1942

Kemper Nomland

Photograph taken at Cascade Locks, Oregon, CPS Camp #21.

ca. 1942

Kemper Nomland

Kemper Nomland holding his oil painting of Kermit Sheets.

ca. 1942

Group of men at Cascade Locks, Camp #21

left to right: Don Baker, George Maurer, Alan McRae, Kemper Nomland, and unidentified person.

ca. 1942

Lew Ayres

Photograph taken at Cascade Locks, Oregon, CPS Camp #21.

ca. 1942

Camp facilities

View of the Cascade Locks CPS camp looking north toward Wind Mountain.

ca. 1942

Les Abbenhouse

Photograph taken at Cascade Locks, Oregon, CPS Camp #21.

ca. 1942

John A. Jovanovich

Photograph taken at Cascade Locks, Oregon, CPS Camp #21.

ca. 1942

Wood cutting

CPS workers cutting wood at Cascade Locks.

ca. 1942

Kermit Sheets reading in library

Kermit Sheets reading in the library at Cascade Locks. The photograph also shows a mural behind the fireplace painted by Kemper Nomland.

ca. 1942


CPS camp members reading in the library at Cascade Locks, CPS #21.

ca. 1942

Lower camp farm

Schrock dog Yippie and unidentified CPS #21 member.

ca. 1942

Dining Hall event

Charles Davis (standing in black suit) presiding at a special occasion in the CPS #21 dining hall.

ca. 1942

dorm scene at Cascade Locks, CPS Camp #21

Left to right: Wilmer Carlson (prone on bed), Ray Vanniman, Hugh Merrick, and Henry Dasenbrock

ca. 1942

directors of West Coast Civilian Public Service Camps

Mark Schrock, director of CPS Camp #21 (back row, far right). Dick Mills, director of CPS Camp #56 (back row, second from left).

ca. 1942

Les Abbenhouse

Member of CPS Camp #21. Photograph taken at camp while Abbenhouse was recovering from an ax accident.

ca. 1942

Al Hastings

Member of CPS Camp #21. Photograph taken at camp.

ca. 1942

Lew Ayres

Photograph taken at Cascade Locks, CPS #21.

ca. 1942

Library fire

ca. 1942


Cascade Locks, Oregon, Civilian Public Service Camp #21 chapel designed by Kemper Nomland.

ca. 1942


Cascade Locks, Oregon, Civilian Public Service Camp #21 chapel designed by Kemper Nomland.

ca. 1942


Cascade Locks, Oregon, Civilian Public Service Camp #21 chapel designed by Kemper Nomland.

ca. 1942

May Rolle

May Rolle, from Olympia, Washington, was a family friend of the CPS #21 camp director, Mark Schrock. She married CPS #21 camp member, Bill Henderson.

ca. 1942

Dunn's Wyeth Cafe

This cafe was located just west of Cascade Locks CPS #21 on US Highway 30.

ca. 1942